Simple & Intuitive Water Care
The FreshWater Salt System sanitizes water by using a maintenance-free*, disposable cartridge to generate chlorine from salt. The cartridge lasts four months and can be easily replaced in seconds without tools or dealer assistance.
Simply set the desired chlorine level with the touch of a button, and the system will automatically generate the appropriate amount of sanitizer, eliminating the guesswork of manual dosing.
Longer Lasting, Natural Feeling Water
The FreshWater Salt System uses fewer chemicals than traditional water care, reducing harsh odors for softer-feeling water that is gentler on eyes and skin.
With fewer additives needed, the water can stay clean and fresh for up to a full year* before needing to be drained and refilled. This conserves water, saves money and reduces time previously spent on complicated water care.
Pair the salt system with an anti-microbial Silver Ion Sanitizer for the ultimate fresh water experience.
An Easier Way To Hot Tub
The FreshWater Salt System leaves water clean and ready to use, so you can spend more time enjoying your spa and less time maintaining it.
The system was designed to help keep water clean and fresh for a full year, up to 3x longer than other systems, saving you time and money with fewer drains and refills.
The FreshWater® Salt System is our best salt water system for hot tubs.
Introducing the revolutionary system in hot tub water care. The FreshWater Salt System Reduces the time you spend on cleaning and maintenance so you’ll have more time to spend unwinding in the water. When you follow our simple, intuitive water care steps, your hot tub actually takes care of you. This breakthrough salt water system automatically generates its own cleaning power.
With that soothing water just a few steps from your back door, you don’t want to worry about water maintenance. Instead, focus on the relaxation, rejuvenation, and wellness benefits of hydrotherapy as a part of your inspired daily routine. Choosing a hot tub with the FreshWater Salt System makes water care simpler, reducing maintenance and opening the door to a more stress-free soak.
Meet the FreshWater Salt System
All 2019 and newer Caldera® Utopia® Series and Paradise® Series ship from the factory ready to use with the new FreshWater Salt System**. Hot tub water stays clean and fresh up to three times longer than with any other system*. While bather load and water chemistry affect the life of the hot tub water, when these factors are accounted for and the spa is properly maintained, the FreshWater Salt System will keep water clean and clear for up to a year*.
The FreshWater Salt System generates chlorine automatically from salt, using a replaceable titanium cartridge that lasts up to four months. Fewer chemicals are used to make the water last and each cartridge can be replaced in seconds directly from the spa’s bar top, without tools or dealer assistance. Plus, with the FreshWater Salt System, hot tub owners can save money and conserve water by reducing the frequency of water changes.
All of this adds up to softer, cleaner, and more natural feeling spa water that is easier on the skin and eyes. Less maintenance also means more time to spend with your family or to relax alone to enjoy a transformative, restorative, and rejuvenating massage.
The FreshWater Salt System Simplifies Water Care
Pure performance and simpler maintenance are why the FreshWater Salt System is our best salt water system for hot tubs. By creating small, steady amounts of chlorine from salt, the titanium cartridge-based FreshWater Salt System purifies spa water. To keep your water fresh, simply follow the prompts on the control panel every 10 days, change the cartridge every four months, and replace the water once per year. This reduces the need to add chlorine by hand, saving time and using fewer chemicals.
Since less sanitizer is used, spa water feels softer, smells better, and won’t irritate eyes or skin. Residues are reduced, so the water lasts far longer before it needs to be drained. Designed for ease, the system’s features work together to remove the need for time-consuming upkeep:
System integration. The FreshWater Salt System is integrated with the spa’s plumbing for seamless design and operation. No extra parts to install.
Titanium cartridge. The titanium cartridge housing is built into the spa’s bar top and the cartridge itself needs no cleaning. After four months of normal use, simply remove it from the housing, throw it away, and replace it.
Intuitive control panel. The Advent® LCD Touchscreen Control Panel, engineered into all 2019 Utopia Series spas, makes monitoring and maintaining sanitizer levels simple. Notifications help spa owners keep an eye on the water, and adjustments can be made with the touch of a finger.
Getting Started with the FreshWater® Salt System
All major components of the FreshWater Salt System are factory-integrated into 2019 and newer Caldera Utopia Series and Paradise Series spas. Once you opt for the system, your local spa dealer will complete the setup using the FreshWater Salt System Start-up Kit, which includes:
1Freshwater Vanishing Act® Calcium Remover
2FreshWater Salt Test Strips
3FreshWater 5-Way Test Strips
4FreshWater Spa Salt
5Phosphate test strip Pack (2 strips) and tube
6Salt Cartridge
7Salt Controller
8FreshWater Salt System Owner’s Manual
9FreshWater Salt System Owner's Guide
In areas with above-average levels of calcium in the water, it’s important to use the Vanishing Act™ calcium reducer included in the start-up kit to prevent scale and ensure smooth system operation. If metals are present in the water, which is common with well water, the Clean Screen® prefilter or Monarch® Stain and Scale Control should be used prior to starting the FreshWater Salt System. Your local Caldera hot tub dealer will know the best start-up procedure for your area.
It is also important to test for phosphates in your fill water using a phosphate test kit. Phosphates contribute to algae growth and will reduce the effectiveness of your salt system. If phosphate levels exceed 300 ppb, your dealer will recommend a phosphate removal product like Phosfree, Phosphate Remover, and Nano-Phos.
Even with the FreshWater Salt System installed and in operation, hot tub owners can continue to supplement water care. By inserting a silver cartridge into the hot tub filter, they can treat their water with ionized silver. The anti-microbial silver ions created by the low-maintenance Silver Stick cartridges work with the chlorine generated by the FreshWater Salt System to eliminate viruses and bacteria. The Silver Stick cartridge lasts up to four months, so it can be replaced at the same time as FreshWaterSalt System cartridge

Everything needed to get started with the best salt water system for hot tubs is included in a kit.
Enjoy Up To a Full Year of Clean Water
With the FreshWater Salt System, spa owners only need to drain and refill their hot tubs as little as once every 12 months with normal use. With traditional chlorine systems, spa water needs to be drained every three to four months. The FreshWater Salt System not only extends water life, but it also provides these rewarding benefits:
Water conservation. Hot tub owners using the FreshWater Salt System enjoy longer water life, resulting in the conservation of hundreds of gallons of water a year. Over the lifespan of a spa, this adds up to serious water savings.
Energy conservation. It takes more energy to heat hot tub water each time a spa is refilled than to keep it hot consistently. Draining and refilling hot tub water only once a year also saves on energy costs
More time for hot tub bliss. Without less time needed to attend to hot tub water, spa owners can slip into a comfortable soak any time they desire. This means they use their hot tubs more often, enhancing the wellness benefits of daily hot tub use and the effects of warm water immersion on health, mood, relationships, and sleep.
Saving Water with the FreshWater Salt System
Preserving and reusing our natural resources is more important today than ever before. The FreshWater Salt System was imagined, designed, and manufactured with water conservation as a top priority.
Since spa water purified by the FreshWater Salt System lasts longer, it cuts down on water use. Depending on local regulations, used hot tub water may be reused as grey water. If gray water use is permitted in your area, let the spa water sit for a few days without generating chlorine to allow the sanitizer to completely dissipate. When ready, you can use the gray water in several ways:
Washing a car, recreation vehicle, or house Using a submersible pump, garden hose, and a nozzle, hot tub owners can use their spa water to wash their cars, recreational vehicles, or their homes. A submersible pump is the simplest way to generate enough pressure for washing. If the hot tub is at a higher elevation than the house or vehicle, gravity itself can be used to provide pressure as well.
Watering a lawn or garden. Using a garden hose and sprinkler, hot tub owners can water shrubs, trees, vegetables, and even their lawns
Wetting a home’s foundation. Gray water can help prevent home foundations in drier parts of the United States from cracking when dry soil or rock shifts beneath them.
Everyday Wellness with the FreshWater Salt System
Soaking in warm, clean water every day provides many powerful wellness benefits. The soft water and low levels of chlorine present in hot tubs using the FreshWater Salt System help enhance the positive effects of hot tub use:
Knowing the hot tub is always ready and waiting gives owners something wonderful to look forward to any time of day.
The FreshWater Salt System Means Fresher, Softer, More Natural Feeling Water
Hot tub shoppers have more to love about a Caldera spa than ever before, thanks to the innovative FreshWater Salt System.** The new system delivers on our commitment to Pure Comfort®, design, and performance. Designed for simplicity, the system turns simple maintenance into up to a year of clean water. Engineered for comfort, water purified by the FreshWater Salt System is fresher and more natural feeling than water cleaned by other methods. And built for performance, each titanium cartridge lasts for up to four months without needing to be cleaned or service. The only thing a hot tub owner needs to do is relax.
Enjoying the benefits of the FreshWater® Salt System is easy and can be accomplished by following the steps below. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the system’s Start-up Guide and Owner’s Manual.
System Start-Up
- Test fill water
- Fill spa
- Add salt
- Balance water
- Sanitize fill water
- Soften Water
- Set output level
Tips to Get the Best Performance from Your FreshWater Salt System
The FreshWater Salt System makes spa ownership simple and easy by reducing the amount of time required to care for your spa water. It is important to note that maintaining balanced and sanitized spa water is ultimately the responsibility of the spa owner. Here are some helpful tips:
10-Day Checkup
Every 10 days, the water care icon on the control panel will flash as a reminder to check your spa by testing and balancing your spa water and confirming your output level.
Test for chlorine regularly and adjust the output level up or down to maintain 3 to 5 ppm
Additional chlorine can be used, only as needed, to supplement the system. It is recommended to adjust the output level or use Boost before supplemental chlorine is added.
- Keep calcium hardness levels at or below 50ppm to prevent scaling
Remove Metals from water
If filling your hot tub with well water, or metals are present in the water, we recommend using the Clean Screen® prefilter to remove any metals present in the water.
Pair with a Silver Ion Cartridge
Silver is a low-maintenance, anti-microbial that destroys bacteria and viruses. The combination of chlorine and silver is the most powerful cleaning option for hot tubs. While optional, we suggest pairing the FreshWater® Salt System with a silver cartridge for the ultimate water care solution. Simply drop the silver cartridge directly into the spa’s filter, for the cleanest, clearest water experience available.
If you own a hot tub or are shopping for one, clean water and simple maintenance are sure to rank high on your list of priorities. A Hot Spring® spa equipped with the FreshWater® Salt System will deliver both, in a stylish, comfortable, energy-efficient package.
The FreshWater Salt System keeps your water clean, clear and sanitized for up to a full year.* A titanium cartridge creates chlorine from salt, generating the desired level of chlorine automatically (set chlorine output level on control panel) so you'll spend less time measuring and adding chemicals and more time enjoying your spa.
You'll look forward to your daily soaks in warm, crystal clear water, courtesy of the FreshWater Salt System.
With a Hot Spring spa equipped with the FreshWater Salt System you'll:
- Enjoy natural-feeling water with no itchy, dry skin or eyes.
- Reduce added chemicals and eliminate harsh odors.
- Save time with simple water care.
- Reduce energy bills and conserve water by only draining, refilling, and reheating your spa about once per year.*
The FreshWater Salt System is just one of the ways Hot Spring Spas delivers unparalleled hot tub therapy and The Absolute Best Hot Tub Ownership Experience®. For the best spa water possible, follow these steps.
All Highlife and Limelight Collection models come equipped and ready to use the FreshWater Salt System. The kit contains everything that's needed for your dealer to install, and includes:
- Controller (requires dealer installation)
- Titanium Cartridge
- 10-lb. Bag of FreshWater Spa Salt
- FreshWater Vanishing Act® Calcium Hardness Reducer
- FreshWater Salt Test Strips and 5-Way Test Strips
- Owner's manual
- Start-Up Guide
- Phosphate Test Strips
These steps are an overview, you'll find more detailed instructions in the Hot Spring Salt System Startup Guide, or in the FreshWater Salt System Owners Manual included in your start-up kit.
- Test your fill water. Take a water sample to your local dealer for testing to determine if it contains high levels of metals, phosphates, and/or calcium. If high levels are detected, your dealer can recommend additional products to help bring your fill water into balance.
- Ensure titanium cartridge is installed (plug removed)
- Add FreshWater Mineral Spa Sanitizer cartridge (sold separately) to inhibit bacteria growth
- Turn spa on and set temp* to at least 95°F to 104°F (35°C to 40°C)
- Turn off Salt System (Output Level 0)
- Run jets to purge lines and prime pumps (adjust diverters)
- With jets running add salt — target 1750 ppm
- Start with half recommended amount, test after 5 minutes, then add up to recommended amount
- Test and balance water as required
- With jets running add chlorine to achieve 5 ppm — wait 5 minutes
- Test and add additional chlorine (if needed) to achieve 5 ppm
- Use Vanishing Act if required and remove per instructions (Day 1 or 2)
- When chlorine is at 5 ppm and water has reached the desired temperature, your spa is ready to enjoy!
Your control panel prompts you every 10 days to verify and adjust the system if needed.
- Always test your water before using your spa to ensure it is properly balanced. Depending on variables like frequency of use and bather load, adjust the output level on your control panel to maintain the recommended minimum chlorine level of 3ppm. If needed, check your user manual for products to help raise or reduce free chlorine in your hot tub.
- Test and balance spa water using a FreshWater 5-Way Test Strip. Measure chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels to determine if your water is in the OK ranges specified for the system.
- Your FreshWater Salt System control panel will display your chlorine output level. Adjust as needed to maintain a minimum chlorine target level of 3ppm.
- The system status on your display panel refreshes every thirty minutes to let you know if the system is performing optimally. It reflects a number of elements that can impact performance, including the salt level, cartridge status, and water temperature.
Your FreshWater Salt System Owner's Manual will provide all the information you need to monitor your spa and instructions on how to keep your water balanced.
The disposable and maintenance-free titanium cartridge can be replaced in just a few seconds, without tools.
Instructions on how to replace a Salt System Cartridge can be found on the spa’s control panel and in the FreshWater Salt System Owner’s Manual.
"I would never go back to a standard chlorine system - Maintenance is easy and minimal and the water quality is exceptional."
Hot Spring Spa owner from Durham, NC
To learn how you can enjoy The Absolute Best Hot Tub Ownership Experience download a brochure and explore our models! Or contact your local dealer. They’ll be happy to answer your questions and take you on a model tour - either in the showroom or virtually.